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Monday, November 11, 2013

SLIPS (Student Leadership in Practice Project) of the Ayala Leadcom UIC chapter...

University of the Immaculate Conception
Fr. Selga and Bonifacio Streets, Davao City

September 21, 2012

The Societal Productivity Advancement (SPA) Project Proposal

Submitted By:

Abadilla, Tommy Jr
Alinas, Jona
Beguia, Lovely Joy
Benson, Eric Paul
Chua, Jason
Elorde, Julie Iris
Estomata, Danica Wyn
Laput, April Rica
Martizano, Dawn Grace
Plaza, Jan Vaughnce Yrish
Tancontian, Jeric
Villanueva, Leo Vincent

Organization of Leading Youth Movers Initiating Actions for Nurturing the Society

Mr. John Christopher Silvosa
Dr. Porferia Poralan

Servant Leadership in Practice (SLIP) Project Grants

Project Proposal

WHAT: Describe the project briefly, its nature and overall concept.
Title of the Project:
“The Societal Productivity Advancement (SPA) Project”
Describe the project concept/idea:
The Societal Productivity Advancement project seeks to provide a substantive analytical focus on improving the livelihood of the chosen beneficiaries and offer a job-generating project fit for the needs of residents in their areas. At present, we believe that a lot of people in Davao are single, professionals and stressed.
 The Ten Thousand pesos grant will be used to fund the skills training, (Massage, Foot Spa, Manicure, Pedicure, etc...) to help residents get jobs, to supply the needed materials, and to organize a community enterprise for the application of the skills learned.
The SPA project will offer 4 types of services; Therapeutic massage (whole body, hands, head facial, and back), foot spa, manicure and pedicure. The Chosen Community in which we ought to serve is Barangay Bankerohan, Davao City.

Objectives of the Project and Measure of Success:

  1. To organize a community enterprise composed of 10-15 unemployed residents, either single citizens or mothers’ ages 18-50 years old, and community leaders as pioneering human resources of the venture.
  2. To offer a sustainable income and job-generating development project for the beneficiaries of the chosen community to ensure that at least 90% will survive after 21 months.
  3. To provide the needed materials for the massage service such as essential oils, towels, foot scrubs, etc.s
  4. Introduce new skills and knowledge to the community for them to become independent and productive citizens.

*Ensure you have SMART objectives. (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable to the community, Realistic, Time-bounded)

WHY: What were your group’s reasons for choosing this project and the community you hope to serve?

Bankerohan, Davao City is well known for its economical retail industry and marketplace, but, despite of its  distinguished reputation for a thriving market hub, surrounding it is a vast population of squatters, out of school youth, beggars, unemployed and underemployed locals which we could term as belonging to the group of the Vulnerable Urban Poor (VUP) or those who are unprivileged, and currently situated within a flourishing urban area without a stable source of income and deprived lifestyle.

We, as UICians are very familiar of the community since our school (UIC-Main Campus) is located at a more elevated area of Bankerohan. We can recognize the needs of the community, and as servant leaders, we would like to serve its most vital needs by introducing the SPA project. This project will not only benefit the chosen barangay beneficiaries but also the Dabawenyos, the market goers, the sightseers and us - the students who seek for the improvement of the locals and the community itself.

We chose single women (ages 18-50 years old) and mothers (with 4 children and above) to be the beneficiaries of this project because they find it complex to augment income and find it hard to budget the daily income of their partners and children. We will coordinate with the local officials to organize the manpower.

With the help of the school, we will recommend prospects that may avail of their services might as well become patrons of the project as primary marketing initiative and later on, word of mouth will be the primary tool for promotion.

The shared materials will be entrusted to the enterprise organized in the barangay and will be supervised by the barangay captain.

After the organization of the enterprise, the trained 15 beneficiaries will nurture holistic development and will be visited monthly by the project organizers.

Project Rationale/Overview: What root causes will the project/initiative respond to? What information/data have you gathered that led you to identify and focus on this need/root cause?

 At present, livelihood opportunities for the vulnerable urban poor (VUP) are insufficient. Under the project, the chosen beneficiaries of the program, along with local officials, will be organized and will undergo livelihood skills training, particularly massage (hilot), foot spa, foot scrub, manicure and pedicure.
The UIC Chapter believes that our target beneficiaries, who are unemployed single citizens and mothers, need income-generating livelihood projects such as the SPA to alleviate them from the idle unemployment atmosphere.
They will also be trained to work, maintain, sustain and manage the projects that would address the communities’ most pressing needs.

*Target the root cause of the problem and not the manifestation of the problem.
Who will directly or indirectly benefit from this initiative? How will they benefit from this project/initiative?

Primarily, the direct beneficiaries of this project are the people who will serve as trainees. The indirect beneficiaries of this project are the trainees’ family and the rest of the community.
The trainees will serve as the volunteers where they can receive compensation in exchange for their services rendered. The volunteers can also find an opportunity to be productive and make their lives better.

What are your expected outcomes? What impact will the project/initiative have on the community you serve:
(Ex: The project will raise awareness on solid waste issues in the community. It will encourage at least 50 households to start segregating their waste.)

  1. Improved livelihood of the chosen community beneficiaries.

  1. Provided income-generating opportunity for the vulnerable urban poor (VUP).

  1. Instilled new skills to the beneficiaries in which they can become independent and productive citizens.

WHO: How will each team member get involved and contribute to the project/initiative?
Team Members: List the name, contact details and roles/tasks of everyone in your team.
Full Name              (Family Name, First Name Middle Name)
Contact Number/s
Role and Tasks
Chua, Jason
Action Organizer
Estomata, Danica Wyn
Action Organizer
Elorde, Julie Iris
Martizano, Dawn Grace

Plaza, Jan Vaughnce Yrish
Alinas, Jona

Ways and means
Benson, Eric Paul
Beguia, Lovely Joy
Community          Coordinator
Tancontian, Jeric

      CDS Coordinator
Laput, April Rica
Abadilla, Tommy Jr
   Information Distribution
Villanueva, Leo Vincent
Project Coordinator
Silvosa, John Christopher

Partner groups/individuals: Outside of your group members, list down all the individuals, groups and organizations who will help you implement the project? What help will you ask from them?
(e.g. Barangay officials – Ask permission to use the Barangay hall for our meeting with members of the community.)

Office Address
Contact Information
(landline, e-mail and mobile number)
Target Contribution
Current Status
(e.g. not contacted, pending confirmation, committed)
·         UIC-Community Development Services (UIC-CDS)
·         Brgy.Captain Edgar Ibuyan, Jr.
·         Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
·         Fr. Selga St., Davao City

·         Bankerohan, Davao City
·         J. Luna St., DavaoCity

Organize and coordinate with the chosen community for the project implementation.
Through the Alternative Learning System, they will provide supply human resources to train the beneficiaries and give the certification

Pending confirmation.
*Keep a received copy of your letters. Document all your transactions with partner group/s or individuals. Put your agreement on paper as much as possible.

HOW: Project implementation, full value contract, and timeline.
Team FVC/ Terms of Reference: Your Full Value Contract as a project group.

How will your team make decisions?
-          Acknowledge
-          Listen
-          Plan
-          Harmonize
-          Act
How will your team handle conflicts?
-          Breath
-          Explain your side
-          Transcend
-          Apologize
What is the group’s agreement on handling the flow of information?
-          Get information
-          Anticipate
-          Manage
-          Move
-          Announce

Timeline: Discuss and outline all key activities, expected outputs and person/s responsible for each, including review and evaluation.
Expected Output/s
Person/s Assigned
Evaluation Tool
September 29, 2012

Meeting with Community Development Service

Jeric Tancontian
Other dates to follow ..

PROJECTED BUDGET: Anticipate and include all expenses needed in preparing for and implementing the project. Funds of up to 10,000.00 will be made available for each project group. Resources/funds beyond this amount must be raised by the group.
List of all foreseen expenses and the corresponding amounts for project implementation.
Budget Item
Amount needed (Php)
1.    Materials
2.    Honorarium for the trainers

Total Projected Expenses

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