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Monday, November 11, 2013


The Other Side
I was shivering when we reached the other side. I stood up straight and looked at Ryan, “You ok?”, he responded with a very delicate stare while clenching my shirt as he was getting himself out of the large ice box. Ryan, as strong and bold as he appeared, was staring at me, like he was about to cry…I saw no traces of his trade mark killer smile at that moment, he moved closer to me, I stepped my one foot back, startled of what he was about to do…he caught my arms and hugged me like a little kid missing his Dad. I was surprised, but didn’t think of objecting his deed, I was shivering and cold, and he was warm and soft, Ryan always had that effect on me, his presence, even without him saying a single word, comforts me… until I woke up to reality…
“Ryan! You’ve got some serious issues man…” I pushed his body away from me and retrieved my dry shirt. And we moved on to find the chapel. It wasn’t hard to find it at all, as candlelight flicker its surroundings; it was in the middle of the woods, not far from the river bank.
“dominiiiiiiiii….. patri….benedictum………” we heard the monks singing gibberish hymns and praises, then I realized that the camp masters weren’t joking at all, we’re really in for some supernatural circumstances that night, and I was with an almost useless giant. But I guess I shouldn’t be afraid, they were monks, what’s to fear? And there really was a wake…”remember, we shouldn’t get caught, let’s go around the chapel” Ryan said. He took my cold hands, blew it with his warm breath first, and dragged me. I couldn’t say a word, I was just staring at him entirely until we arrived at the backdoor of the chapel. “Wait, look at that” he said, “It’s a whole monastery at the back…”Go figure, where do you think the monks would sleep at night?” I sarcastically responded.  He smiled. We sneaked ourselves in the candle lit corridors of a small yet brick-old chapel. Religious statues and artefacts filled the entire chapel, which really freaked the both of us. But what could go wrong, we’re Catholics.
“Hey Ry, maybe I should be the one to get the rosary from the dead monk…I’m smaller”
“Alright, but isn’t it bad luck to take something from a dead person?”
“Maybe, but it is our first task…”
“Alright, I’ll watch out for you, be careful.”
It wasn’t really challenging to enter the altar, I assumed the monks were praying with closed eyes so I was able to crouch towards the back of the coffin. I slowly stood up to see the rosary in his chest, when I turned back and saw Ryan signalling…”eh” I didn’t quite understood him, so I looked at the corpse again with my body almost upright. When I looked up, I saw two big eyes in front of me, so I startled and stumbled on my buttocks.
“Another camper I guess” the bearded man approached me, Ryan came running to help me stand up. “What are you up to now? Don’t you know the other side of the river is forbidden?”
“We are sorry sir, ummmmm father, but we were tasked to do something” I clarified.
“Give me that boy” He noticed Ryan holding the map, grasped it and started reading it. “Hmmmm…brave souls are you…the abandoned school, there are entities there we are trying to avoid boys” he said. “Come with me”…he lead us at the back of the altar. “Did you know that this forest was once the town centre? Everyone used to come here…until…” he paused…”yes father?” I asked…”Until the rebels invaded…they killed anyone they come across with, and even attacked the school killing hundreds innocent children…it forced all of the remaining town folks to move down the valley, leaving us monks isolated in this now dark forest.” “I see, tragic” I nodded pitifully.
“I also see that you’re here for Father Mercius’ rosary…”
“Yes father, we need to give it to the school librarian” I told him.
“Hahahahahahaha, the school librarian eh?” He laughed.
“Boy, you’re going to see things you haven’t seen before once you enter that ruins, and you’re right, you badly need a dead monks’ rosary”
“What’s the reason behind that?” Ryan asked.
“ You see, father Mercius used to run that school, and after that tragedy he usually tried to go back there, but he couldn’t…none of us could, the gates wouldn’t open…and our noses and ears would bleed, that is, unfortunately, what happened to Father Mercius.” The monk explained tearfully.
“Why is that father?” I asked.
“Some souls hated us for leaving them behind, we were praying when that happened, we are deeply sorry, we didn’t do anything”
“But the possibility of you going in is huge…because they do not recognize you…they might just let you in. But please bring his rosary, blessed and used by him, it might enable holiness and forgiveness to enter their dark realm, and finally showing them the light.”
“But would it be ok to you father” I asked him.
“Please, do it…”
                So the monk told us to wait for him outside the chapel, and he’ll be the one to get the rosary from Father Mercius’ chest.
                We did what the monk has said…we were relieved by the unexpected and eerie events that happened. Outside, the wind became thick and frosty, and the night creatures became louder. We were crossing our hands around our chests, we were trying to warm ourselves when the monk arrived at the entrance aisle, he called us, and we approached him. “Please, give this to her, and tell her Father Mercius treasured this dearly” the monk said and gave us a comforting smile and blessing before he turned around.
“Wait father, we forgot to ask your name!” I called him back…
“It’s Mercius”
                GOOSEBUMPS! . “What a night” Ryan said, “Oooooh, I think it’s just beginning, look!” I pointed at an old grey cat approaching us, if anything could get any weirder.  I noticed it has different colours on each eye, the left eye’s yellow, the right was blue. Peculiar.
                The cat passed right through us to the darker side of the woods. “The instruction is to follow him…should we?” Ryan asked, I nodded and agreed to follow the cat. So we walked again towards our next task, to give the rosary to the librarian. Ryan was always silent, I know it was quite normal, since we weren’t really that close, but I always feel awkward walking with him, specially alone in the dark, just like the times we walked together after a session with Mrs. Strum along the unlit paths toward the school’s exit gate…
”Another awkward moment” I whispered.
“What was that?” He responded.
“Nothing, I was just saying…”
“Hey Ryan…can I ask you something?”
“Yeah what is it?”
“Do you feel awkward whenever the two of us walk in the dark…alone?”
I tactlessly asked him, since I thought it was about time to “bond” with my “classmate” and camp partner, and besides, we’ve known each other for some time already, and we never had this kind of talk.
He just replied with another one of his chilling grin and giggled a bit. “What’s wrong with this child” I thought.  Both my hands were locked in my jacket’s pocket, so was Ryan. Somehow I felt secure and needed at the same time. With his well-built body, I know I’ll be safe, with his reserved attitude, I know he needs me.
We were already walking along a muddy path, when…
 I slipped.
“Careful” Ryan was fast enough to grab me, and again he drew me close to his caressing chest. Then suddenly…the winds grew heavier and turned colder, as Ryan helped me get up, flashes of  dark figures passed by the sinister sky. “What was that?” I asked…”crows?” Ryan said…I remembered the task, it said “don’t show any fear, they can smell it, however I couldn’t help but to stumble with fear, after all it was an eerie ambiance to be in the middle of the abandoned woods, and the slip made me more nervous. We stood there for awhile, until I could get my balance, but he didn’t let go, I was safe…in his arms…under the moonlight.
It was about a half an hour walk when we reached the massive gates covered in thick vines of the abandoned school. The grey cat stopped walking.
“We’re here” Ryan said…
“Should we go inside?” I whispered.
I followed him to call out for someone. We were expecting for the caretaker.
“I wasn’t going anywhere, but rather I was pushing myself back to you.
If it was a dream, then I don’t want to see the sun rise, because I know I’m going to wake up alone”

-Excerpt from the Emo Book

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