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Monday, November 11, 2013

Adamantine Myers: Chapter 5

“Anyone here?” We called out but there was no caretaker.
Surprisingly, the gates were open. It was heavy and screeching when I tried to open it. Then…
“HALT! WHO GOES THERE?” An elderly voice cried out.
“Don’t show any fear” Ryan comforted.
“It’s ok…we’re just from the camp…they sent us here for a mission”
“Is that so?”
The wind blew stronger and WOOOOSH! An old thin man with messed up grey hair flickered in front of us.
“Campers  eh? No I.D, No Entry…that’s the rule boys.”
“Show him our I.Ds” I asked Ryan. He handed them out to the caretaker.
“Welcome to St. Marcellin’s School of Arts…or what’s left of it…and please keep your mouth shut, classes are going on…” He said that with an eerie grin at the end of his statement, or what seemed more like a warning.
That gave us chills, and I don’t know what we were thinking, but suddenly, we held hands. As if our hands were automatically attracted to each other. He had this simple frightened reaction on his face…he looked scared, but he still seemed princely. I could imagine my reaction, I’m sure I looked hilarious.
So we continued walking along the corridors. It seemed quiet…that is when a hint of light from our torch lightened a part of a classroom…that’s when scary figures started to appear. Ghosts of Teachers at the blackboard, talking and students…some listening, but most of them doing pointless things. I know we were supposed to be scared, and we were actually, at first, but to think that these innocent children died in a gruesome manner, that kind of made me and Ryan more sad than scared.
BOOOOM! There was a loud explosion…the subtle images we saw just turned into an uproar, the teachers and students rushed outside as some rebels rallied down some people pushing them and ultimately killing them.
“This happens every night…souls going over and over on the last day they ever lived…you know when you’re dead, everything turns around, night becomes day, and sometimes, because of anger, wrong becomes right. But Don’t worry about them, they’re just fragments, they’ve all really moved on, fragments just stay and repeat the pattern on that awful day because of the negativity that remained…what you should really be scared about is the spirit that haunts this school, the librarian”
The caretaker showed us the way to the library as spirits pass by our warm bodies.
“Why do you think the librarian continues to haunt this school?” I asked the caretaker.
“You see, the librarian was believed to be pregnant, with father Mercius’ child. Only the three of us knew that…and oh she’s an angry ghost alright. She was the one who forbade any monks to enter her hell. She believed Father Mercius abandoned her. You can’t blame the monk though, if you were a spiritual guy like him, impregnating an innocent lady is a huge offense, and well, he did kind of lied low from the school. Everyone looked at him as the school’s fortress. And he just stayed at his monastery while his school was under attack.”
“You’re wrong, he tried to comeback, but the other monks would have prevented him. He tried to come back many times after the attack, but the souls prohibited him and the other monks. His dead now…and he wanted us to give this to the librarian.” I explained.
“Tell that to her”
“Adam, look” Ryan asked.
We were on the Fifth Floor of the school, and we were already standing right outside the library.
We opened the door and looked up at nobly decorated walls of the room. Books were scattered everywhere. 
“Imogen show yourself! It’s me Renden West…your old friend!” The caretaker called her.
CrAAANK!! Books from the shelves started to fall…
“Who’s with you?” A woman’s voice cried out and echoed in the room.
“Just campers…from the other side of the river…Mercius sent them…”
Then a scary Woman Rushed toward the caretaker.
She was wearing a maroon maternity, her belly was already big, and her hair was dark and long. Though she was fierce, she looked beautiful. No wonder the monk fell for her.
“He promised to take care of my baby…and what did he do…he left us, and hid in his precious shell”
“That’s not true…he tried to come back…and in fact, he told us to give this to you, and tell you that he treasured this dearly, I believe this rosary belongs to you” I couldn’t believe Ryan said that as he handed the rosary to the librarian.
“God first” she sighed.
“Whuuuut was that?” I frightfully asked.
“God first”, I gave this to him, and told him to put God first, as long as he would take care of my baby. Too bad he didn’t get a chance.
“He would love to see you in heaven now…all he asks is forgiveness” I supposed.
“Heaven? You mean he’s….”
“Yes maam, and he’d like to see his baby there with you”
There was a moment of silence as she comes into a phase of enlightenment. Her anger seemed to lower down…
“After all these years Imogen, you were mad ‘coz of your own advice to him…I know you loved him, but sometimes love means you have to let go for him to find his own destiny, and his destiny is to be with God, and yours too, if you only learn to let go. “ The caretaker actually made a good point.
“I am ready now…where should I go?”
“Well you usually follow the light, that’s how they do it in the movies…” I said.
“Thank you…and may your love for each other last forever…”
“What?? Huh? No, we’re not ummm…”
“I See him…Mercius…together, at last”
“ummmmm…okay…thanks!” I exclaimed.
“I suppose I’m next…well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone…you know the way out”
“What? You’re a ghost too?”
“Yeah I am, I was the first one to be killed by those menaces…I used to be the security guard, and the reason I couldn’t move on was because I was the one who foolishly opened the gates for them…I didn’t know…and now that the anger’s been relieved, we can finally say goodnight.”
“What about the fragments?” Ryan asked.
“Well, forgiveness has uplifted the impression on this place, so I guess you won’t be seeing any flashbacks anymore. Thank you lovebirds, watch each other’s backs okay?”
“Were not…together” I said.
“Well, you look nice together.”
And so they disappeared. And like what the caretaker said, there were no more flashbacks, just empty, dark and a lighter atmosphere.
Questions and Assumptions:

Sometimes letting go is the only way to save yourself from drowning…
Love hurts, if it’s too heavy let it go…
I think I lost myself when we were still together…
What’s the point of holding on, if the load’s just for me to carry?
But who’s to blame for every hurt and tears that don’t seem to disappear?
But why cry out for the last heartbeat which you could no longer hear?

-          Excerpt from the Emo Book

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